MÄKELÄNRINTEEN LUKIO: SOLU (Mäkelänrinne High Schoool: Cell)
Script: Excerpts from Jim Cartwright’s play Street, adapted for Mäkelänrinne High School by Jonna Wikström (2013)
Direction: Jonna Wikström
Costume Design, Set Design, and Projections: Paula Koivunen
Cast: Kaisa Ala-Venna, Juho Lähteenmaa, Mika Nuolivirta, Sakari Siilin, Miko Sirolinna, Katarina Suviniitty, Riku Vääriskoski, Esa Österman, Emilia Soini, Laura Korte
Music and Sound Design: Team (directed by Merja Salinin)
Lighting Design: Teemu Nurmelin
We also participated in the Murros Youth Theatre Festival in Tampere with this production.
The Mäkelänrinne High School performance depicted young people living in the same cell. It explored how they are both alone and together, how new life situations and the future can be frightening, and how there are too many options. Each individual reacts differently to the new situation. The young people in the cell seek and dream of love and happiness. What constitutes happiness? Is it enough not to be alone? The underlying idea of the performance is that despite life’s setbacks, changes, and difficult decisions, one should not give up. Only through trying and trusting in the future can changes occur. Everyone has their own story and background; ultimately, no one’s situation is significantly easier or harder than anyone else’s.