TAMPERE – VAKIO (Tampere Standard)


This Dynamic urban performance that takes the audience on an experiential journey through the city center of Tampere. The performance, structured around stairs, thresholds, elevators, and squares, stimulates reflections on how the body affects the experience of space. The body can also shape our mental landscape.

“Tampere-vakio” explores resistance within the mind, the body, and the space itself. It considers how different bodies fit into different spaces, and specifically how various spaces accommodate different bodies.

The performance also addresses themes such as hanging, climbing, reaching, capability, willingness, ability, fitting, access, extension, endurance, and the psychology of congestion.

The performance is produced by the Reality Research Center and supported by the OK Study Center, initiated by the Tampere Rheumatism Association.

Directors: Maria Ruostepuro and Jonna Wikström